Usually, the pay back problem need to consider some factors: raw material cost, running cost and price of final starch, based on which we can calculate what profit we can get from potato starch production, then we will know how long will it pay back to ta...
The potato starch production process mainly includes the following seven steps: cleaning, washing, crushing, separating, refining, dehydrating and drying. And it can be used in other food industry....
With different working technology, flash dryers can be divided into two kinds. The negative pressure tapioca starch flash dryer of Henan Jinrui Food Company has more merit than positive pressure tapioca starch flash dryer....
The purifying machines are included fine fiber sieve, desander, centrifuge sieve and hydrocyclone station. Today, Henan Jinrui company takes hydrocyclone station as an example to talk about how the purifying machine is configured in cassava starch process...
The requirements for cassava starch processing business are sufficient funds, suitable plant land, good cassava starch processing equipment, complete formalities, adequate cassava raw material supply, etc.
Factors like raw material supply, transportation, water and electricity resources, etc. should be considered when choosing the location of cassava processing plant. Henan Jinrui company can offer you professional solutions to establish it smoothly....