Cassava nutrition facts and health benefits

Cassava Introduction

In fresh cassava roots, the water content is generally 69%, protein 1%, fat 0.2%, starch 28%, and vitamin content is also rich. Cassava not only has edible value, but also industrial value. For example, it can be made into alcohol, and it has certain uses for textiles, leather, etc. And it can also be used as feed for raising poultry.


Cassava nutrition facts table (refers to the content of 100 grams of edible foods)

Heat 116 kcal Thiamine 0.21 mg
Calcium 88 mg Protein 2.1 g
Riboflavin 0.09 mg Magnesium 66 mg
Fat 0.3 g Niacin 1.2 mg
Iron 2.5 mg Carbohydrate 26.2 g
Vitamin C 35 mg Dietary fiber 1.6 g
Carotene 0.8 micrograms Potassium 764 mg
Phosphorus 50 mg Sodium 8 mg

cassava starchCassava & cassava starch

Cassava nutrition facts

Cassava is rich in starch, generally 24-32%, and also contains protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B and other nutrients.

①. Protein: The protein content of cassava is higher than other foods and can be used as a source of supplemental protein.

②. Vitamins: Cassava contains a variety of vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, etc., which is one of the main sources of vitamins.

③. Mineral elements: Magnesium, zinc, copper and other mineral elements in cassava can play a good role in regulating heart rate and maintaining blood pressure. These elements are indispensable for people's normal life activities.

④. Dietary fiber: Dietary fiber content is a relatively small cassava nutrition facts, each 100 grams of cassava contains only 1.8 grams of dietary fiber, which can play a role in promoting gastrointestinal motility, reducing fecal retention in the body.


Cassava health benefits

a. Protect blood vessels

Cassava contains potassium. We know that potassium plays an important role in maintaining blood pressure stability. Especially for patients with hypertension, the diet should be less sodium and more potassium, and cassava is such a food. In addition, proper consumption of cassava can also play a very good role in blood pressure lowering effect, it is very good for our human health.

b. Promote intellectual development

The zinc in cassava is closely related to the mental development of the human brain. Usually, if you pay more attention to the intake of zinc, children's mental development will be better. So children can eat some cassava properly.

c. Replenish energy

A large part of the cassava is starch, and the starch can decompose to provide carbohydrates to the body and quickly replenish energy.

d. Prevention of constipation

Although the dietary fiber in cassava is small, it can also promote gastrointestinal motility, reduce the accumulation of feces and toxins in the body, and has a good effect on preventing constipation.

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